Secret Notes hosts Ormande Jayne redefined

Secret Notes Place Vendome orchestrated an exceptional client experience to honor Ormand Jayne’s profound journey in reshaping their brand. Esteemed clientele and guests eagerly anticipated insights into the motivation behind the significant redefinition.

At the event, Nabil Abuissa, Vice Chairman of AbuIssa Holding, graciously introduced the distinguished brand owner of Ormand Jayne, Linda Pilkington. With a captivated audience, Linda Pilkington shared inspiring anecdotes, delving into Ormande Jayne’s rich legacy to its present pivotal brand rethinking.

The British founder and creator of the London perfumery attests the brand rethinking to her clients. Pilkington emphasizes that certain aspects are set in stone, such as the orange color of the bottle, which stands out in any department store. After she looked up her lucky colour and number connected to her birthdate, the result was the number 8 and color orange, affirming the selected distinct shape and color.

Signifying infinity and prosperity, the number 8 is the heart and soul of Ormande Jayne redefined. New features of the reshaped bottle include an 8-sided over cap over the octagonal bottle, give it an elegant architectural profile. Pilkington declares the redesign and tweaks are her personal statement as a perfectionist.

It was a pleasure to host Linda Pilkington and the Ormande Jayne team at Secret Notes Place Vendome, presenting extravagant fragrance experience to our beloved customers and guests.

Discover unique luxury perfumes at Secret Notes boutiques located at The Pearl Qatar, Place Vendome Mall, Doha Festival City as well as Blue Salon showroom and online on

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