For the fourth year in a row, Abuissa Holding celebrated the 2017 Talent Recognition Ceremony. ‘Learn, Grow, & Lead” is this year’s slogan; indeed AIH make sure to enroll staff into an intensive learning process to prepare them for next level in their career. It is very satisfying with pride to see people are growing to become the future leaders of Abu Issa Holding. The ceremony celebrated the graduation of different talent pools; Retail, Mosafer, AIMD, and Management Trainees. The 57 graduates have been enrolled in a comprehensive process which covers both Talent Management and Training and Development aspects. It is an ongoing process where the staff are screened and profiled in terms of their past experience, education, performance appraisal, disciplinary actions history. In addition to that, it means that they have undergone a psychometric assessment tests that check their personalities, cognitive abilities, leadership skills, and customer service skills, also they are being interviewed using a competency based model. Such process make sure to establish an objective and non-bias foundation for management decision about employees career development and give an equal opportunity for all staff to be enrolled in a fair process. We always make sure to put the right person in the right place, in the right time, with the right skills and attitude, and of course making this decision based on using the right tools. We look forward to have more talents in the coming year and to be involved in more business units. We were pleased this year with the presence of all who have attended especially; Mr. Ashraf, Mr. Nabil, Mr. Fawaz and the media and press.